Water crisis in West Pokot

Access to clean water affects
women and children the most.

Kalam village presents a picture of thirsty community. The community has no reliable source of water and has to walk over 4km to nearby Kapcheror River to access water. The quality in these rivers is of poor quality; has high sediment load due to farming upstream, human waste due to low latrine coverage. Despite the quality of these waters, these rivers always dry during the dry season and the community has to dig shallow wells which sometimes run dry. These wells are always prone to contamination from humans and animals. Communities also wash clothes near these wells hence contaminating them. Despite the distance, the community has to queue for long due to the low discharge of the wells.

While water is a human issue, in West Pokot and sadly in many parts of the developing world, it is a Women’s issue. Women and girls are disproportionately responsible for collecting water in many parts of the developing world. Many women complain of musculoskeletal problems as they have to carry water for long distances. Some cases of miscarry linked to carrying water have been reported.

Water and Agriculture

Undernutrition can cause long-term effects in a person. A lack of food causes it, and food availability was dictated mainly by agriculture. The food products must have a mixture of varieties that help the health of the body.

Agriculture and livestock contribution can make significant changes to the people of West Pokot. With sufficient water, they too can produce the necessary food for themselves. Agriculture and livestock breeding support the ecosystems, raise incomes, and improves food security for the long term.

There is lots of barren land in West Pokot, and they can fruitfully use those lands for agricultural purposes. Agriculture can give crops and food to a lot of people. If more farming can occur on such grounds, the ecosystem enhances, and the whole food production chain will start recovering. The farmers can use their skills and talents and play a constructive part in shaping their own society.

Bringing water from underground sources opens up innumerable avenues to grow sufficient and selective food. They can produce self-sufficient foods of various kinds, and the farmers have their traditional methods to enhance food productivity.

With powerful modern machines, we can bring the groundwater to the surface to help the irrigation process feed thousands of people with healthy food.